Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hey there, stranger.

As will become obvious soon enough, I'm quite a fan of The List. I use lists because my memory is bad and because I think it is good to remember things. I also love the rush of endorphins that are released when you cross an item off your to-do-list and that feeling at the end of the day of having accomplished what you set out to do. (All the better when those things are little, because you can usually jam more of them into your day!)

In the spirit of this newborn blog, starting off with a list of 'things I am grateful for' just seems right.

1. Being able to laugh at myself despite burning my first ever homemade batch of granola. I mean BURNING it. Totally charred.
Flinging open the windows and flapping a dish towel like a crazy must have been quite the sight.

2. Getting out there in my sneaks and sports bra to sweat a little bit this evening. I exercise sporadically and need to make it part of my everyday lifestyle. I'm hoping putting it here in black and white will hold me more accountable...

3. Having two big presentations this week for work. I'm trying to keep a handle on the stress by keeping everything in perspective. I'm trying to remember: I am fortunate to have this opportunity!

4. Seeing my sweetie in 6 more wake-ups! Not only will I see him, I get to be with him for 13 days! This is huuuge since we are doing distance right now. Also, yay for my first 'real' vacation of my career! Seattle and Lake Chelan, here I come!

5. Tomato and mozzarella, drizzled with olive oil, balsamic and s&p! It's the little things...

6. My family. They are hysterical and loving and being away from them is hard. My nieces and nephew (and two more babies on the way) are growing up and I'm missing it!! I am grateful for their health and happiness and that I can fly to see them as often as I do.

7. Finding great deals! Okay, it's lame but I love a bargain. Well, I don't care about cheapo things. I hate free stuff that fills junk drawers and can crowd out a person. When I say bargain, I mean I love finding exactly what I wanted at a price they could have doubled and I still would've paid. THAT, my friends, is amazing.

8. Being in love. Crazy, head over heels, love. Ya know that feeling when you talk to him and it feels like your insides are smiling? *happy sigh*

This evening I'm pampering myself
in preparation for this week, with lavender scented body scrub and lavender linen spray for my bed and pillows. The glass of wine and good book sure won't hurt either. Mission: Relaxation. Let's see how far into that book I get after all of that aromatherapy... I'm so very affected by smells. (Fun fact #1, I hate the smell of vanilla except on food. In that case, yum.)

Here are a couple of my favorites pearls of wisdom, from Regina Brett, sent on from my mom.

Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie.
Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

Happy Saturday!

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