Friday, July 29, 2011

Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

Okay, they're everywhere in design books, blogs, magazines... but I've never seen one in "real life" so guess what, I had to have one. The Fiddle Leaf Fig tree, in the ficus family, is tall and sculptural and green. Despite my "black thumb," I WILL keep this plant alive! Check out just a tiny sampling of some photos that feature this beauty...

Sofitel Hotel, Australia designed by Studio Printworks via

Jim Riley living room, found via HGTV

Living room designed by Lisa Aharam, found on HGTV.

Foley & Cox on Decorati. Have you found this amazing inspiration repository yet?

Style by Emily Henderson. Her own home. The blues and whites and casual style are so inviting.

And here's mine.... Sorry for the crappy photos. (Can you see that kitty pretending she's in a jungle?) In terms of maintenance, this is a fickle fiddle-leaf. It's true. She needs LOTS of sun and a meticulously kept watering schedule and I even got a grow lamp to light her from beneath! She's my baby. And I'm going to be so sad if I can't keep her alive.

I searched for MONTHS and contacted nurseries and landscaping people, just in case they knew where I could find one. FINALLY I had some luck... Interiorscapes based out of Fairview, TN could get me one. This isn't your average cheapy houseplant, which adds to my desire to keep it alive.
Also, Cathy at Interiorscapes is SO WONDERFUL, I encourage you to give her your business if you're in the Nashville area. She's amazingly warm and helpful.

One issue was the straw/moss batting stuff they put in the planter to cover the soil. I kept it there because I thought it should be there, against my better judgement. (It isn't pictured.) My house guests at my housewarming were baffled that I was up-lighting my FAKE tree. Me: "WHAAA. Let me tell you about how REAL it is....first, the pricetag. Next, the watering schedule. Then the sunlight requirements..." Needless to say, the straw got pulled out immediately. :)

It's a constant struggle to keep this lady-tree happy. Her temper tantrums (read: brown spots on leaves) required me to move her to a better lit spot, regardless of my desired living room layout and careful design considerations. I guess we have a new queen of the house...

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