Friday, July 22, 2011

I go wild for tile!

I cannot wait to own my own home one day... I can guarantee some beauties like ones I've included here will be installed. It's incredible to me how the tiles in each of these installations provide such varying looks and such distinct feelings. The Mediterranean blue and white tiles transport me right back to Europe. The bright candy colors read more like wallpaper (that is easier to clean!)
Image from Design Sponge Sneak Peek featuring Emma and James Emmerson of greeting card and stationery publisher 1973

Image from Design Sponge Sneak Peek featuring the home of Sanna Annukka and Jasper Goodall.

Image from Design Sponge Sneak Peek featuring Fiona Douglas of Bluebellgray. I love this whole house!! The florals! The blues! I'm obsessed.

Portuguese Reproduction Tile from Lascaux Tile Company

Unknown source.

Check out this water feature at University of San Diego. I snapped the shot when Ryan and I were out there last week. Stunning!

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