Monday, July 18, 2011

Lady Cave Needs Help

I'm back. And looking for a place to store all of my inspiration and favorite things in addition to my everyday musings. This is also a perfect time to reinvigorate the blog because Ryan and I just moved in together. Now I can capture my design process and before and after photos.

Ryan and I just moved in to a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, quirk-filled house in a great neighborhood in Nashville. It wasn't a far move for me... about 5 or 6 blocks from my tiny duplex that I shared with Kitty Girl. It has been so much fun seeing our styles merge and seeing our stuff mingle. His bookcase contains my books. His favorite framed photos and my colorful artwork are "hanging" together. And our individual collections of mugs combine in the cupboard to somehow create a representation of the twosome we have become. This observation has made picking out a coffee cup in the morning an entertaining daily decision...

The house is mostly put together and has been since our third week in the place. Nothing like the deadline of a housewarming party to spur you into decorating and furniture-arranging action!

One element that is pretty special about our new living arrangement is that we each have space for our own office. I do not take this for granted! We call his room the "Man Cave" and it is a perfect place for him to work from home, hang out, or play some music (whether it is on his piano, guitars, bongo, digeridoo, harmonica...) I'll post pictures of his man cave soon, because it is pretty cool and I think it has made our guy friends who visit more than a teensy bit envious.

Currently I'm stumped over my "Lady Cave" as we have taken to calling my space. My initial goals for the room were many: home office, space to create (collage, paint, craft, sew, etc), and a quiet place to read. So far it has only provided a place to work because it is not as inspiring as I had hoped it would be. I feel zapped in here! So I'm on a quest to pinpoint the problem and make it my happy place.

I've corralled some images of my favorite work spaces...

I think lots of accessible storage is key!
The image below was found at The Glamourai.

Gallery wall, plus attractive under-desk storage, plus a gorgeous yellow chair equals lots of inspired productivity!

Found on Emily Henderson's blog, originally from Slumber Designs.

I also love this office, which features a slim line desk along the wall. That peacock wallpaper is out of this world!
Found in Trine from Fern Living's Sneak Peek on Design Sponge.

Here's another gorgeous office. Check out that pop of color!
From Olga Naiman's Sneak Peek on Design Sponge.

After seeing what my top inspirational images have in common, I've deduced that I need:
1) Accessible and attractive storage
2) A focal point or a pop of color

I've already started my hunt for attractive and accessible storage. I'll update as I make more decisions or have pictures of the room when it's done!

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