Friday, August 26, 2011

Nashville Flea Market and Other Weekend Happenings

I'm headed out to the Nashville Flea Market today to find some treasures for my current client projects.

On my list:
-storage baskets (wire locker baskets, or cloth. 8 of the same is preferred.)
-interesting black and white photography
-inexpensive abstract paintings
-intriguing accessories with height (one idea: an antique birdcage that I plan to spray paint RED!)
-great deals on large mirrors
-turquoise or blue glass vases (client request!)
-long low media console with doors

Also of note, my dad will be in Tennessee this weekend taking clients to the NASCAR race out in Bristol.... and he has two extra tickets! Ryan are going to tailgate with my dad all day long and experience all that is NASCAR. LOL We are pumped!

Lastly, we are saying a sad farewell to our buddy, Adam, who is moving next week. He's a good friend and we are sad that he is leaving Nashville! Best of luck in Kansas City, Adam!

What are you doing this weekend?


  1. how did the shopping trip go? any things crossed fof the list? :)

  2. Hi Jilly! Thanks for the comment! Sadly, a belly ache kept me from hitting the Flea after all. (And yes I'm 5 yrs old, "belly ache"...) Bummed because I won't be in town next month when it's back. :(

  3. Hope you feel better! I also have belly aches and just general aches that keep me from doing the fun things these days. :)
