Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'd live in a desert if I had these windows!

Here's an incredible home I came across on NY Times in Uruguay. I just cannot get over the windows. (Black muntins again!) I like that they've warmed up the rustic, minimalist space with fur, velvet, and a fireplace, but I if this were my space, I would be going way beyond with plushness and texture.

Unreal, right?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Frazzled on your Monday morning?

Do you ever feel a little lost, frazzled, or overwhelmed on Monday mornings? Well then, this quote may be just what you need... 

Created by Schule Lewis

Have a great week!

Friday, October 7, 2011

House-sitting is a cinch when the house looks like this!

Ryan and I house- and dog-sat for our friends this past week and I could not get over the beauty of this place. The land, the classic exterior look, and the greenery! The dogs are also too cute for words!

Ryan actually jumped in the pool even though it's been getting down into the low 40s at night. Yes, he's nutso.

We weren't quite ready to say sayonara when the owners got home. ;)

All photos taken by yours truly!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Interview with a Character

I felt so compelled to blog about this interview with Peter Frank. What a character! I love how he has such strong opinions. I believe strong opinions make a great designer. You've got to have a point of view. I rather design a room that is perfect for the person who lives there, as in it embodies their personality, travels, and style to a T, and have everyone else who walks in, not "get" it.

I especially enjoy what he says in response to the question on "obsessive rearranging".... especially the remark about one new thing added to the mantelpiece = changing the whole room. It almost makes me feel normal....!

Here's a few of the photos and a portion of the interview. The rest can be viewed on House Beautiful.

Rima Suqi: Does your house always look this perfect?
Peter Frank: Yes, it does. I'm exacting. I style interiors and sets for a living.
Are you an obsessive rearranger?
There is a lot of rearranging. When I have a party, I do a sweep through the house and change things around. Sometimes I find something new that I love and have to have and add to the mantelpiece, which of course means I have to change everything in the room.
So what do you think that says about your personal style?
I'm pretty omnivorous. I like a lot of periods and styles, and I like to mix them. Most of my art is by friends or people I know, and my connection to them is as important to me as the piece. I'm not disciplined enough to have a collection of anything — it's more of an accumulation. I guess I have a lot of stuff.
Have you always been thing-oriented?
I tried living a pared-down life for a while. I fell prey to the idea that it was morally superior. But I got back on track when I bought this house and started filling it up with the things I love. But I do a big tag sale every spring, where I pull out anything that looks tired or trendy and sell it.
I hear you camped out in the house for ages before doing anything to it.
I lived here for about six months with a folding table, a couple of chairs, and a mattress on the floor. I wanted to figure out how to set it up so that I used all the rooms. I got to know all the rooms at different times of day and in different seasons, and it influenced my color choices. I loved the idea of some rooms being for morning, some for evening.
What's the secret to mixing eras, styles, sizes, and shapes without it looking like a disaster?
It's all trial and error. I put in tons of stuff and then I take it out. You have to mix things and be honest — if it doesn't work, change it. I've made lots of mistakes. My attic is full of them. My best advice is to admit your mistakes and try again.
Are there any mistakes evident here?
Painting the screened porch white. Sooner or later it will end up something a little darker.
Clearly you have plenty of style, but there are others who might not be so sure of theirs, or how to express it.
Oh, I see that all the time. Homes where everything matches and it looks like you've walked into a showroom. Some people think a house that's consistent from room to room with just one type of thing is good style. A lot of what I do is the icing — bringing in accessories. That's what gives a house a lived-in look.
Yeah, but not everybody can ice the way you do.
It all comes down to contrasts: mix hard with soft, square with round, blocky with leggy.
Any other tips?
I find rules and guidelines are for the faint-of-heart and basically worthless. When I read lists of "Always do this" and "Never do that," they never make much sense to me. A very good decorator told me that all four legs of a piece of furniture must always sit within an area rug. That's absolutely right, except when it's absolutely wrong. I have both situations in my house, and both are correct.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Saturated Colors + Flowers + Prints

I really try not to be too envious of the way other people live and try to remind myself that great photography does wonders to make a space look even more beautiful. (It's true!) And also that I love our house and think it is already effectively represents our styles. 

But check. out. these. images.  The saturated colors make me so happy, not to mention the fresh flowers, mix of patterns, and collected feel of the accessories here. I came across these gorgeous images at Honestly WTF, one of my favorite lifestyle and fashion blogs. The photos feature the house of Jacqui Getty and are from C Magazine. See for yourself, and enjoy!


All images found via the brilliance of Honestly WTF

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Things are moving forward...

Sorry for not posting for a while, but I have had to focus on the installation of one of my design projects this week. It may not come as a surprise to you, but it did for me, these projects moving forward is completely dependent on me. The fact is exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and empowering.

We got all of the large pieces in but need to do a lot of painting, hanging of artwork, and organizing. Also, since we are DIY-ing many pieces, those need to be created as well. We are far from finished, but I think my clients can now see my vision a bit better. My favorite quote from this past weekend, once we got the big pieces in and the layout finalized, was "It's like real people live here!" 

style.com then via honestlywtf

It's a funny thing to say, but it got me thinking... One thing I realized recently about interior design that hadn't occurred to me before, is that it is empowering. In many cases, people live with furniture and artwork that they have "always had." The current look of the abode seems to never have been a conscious choice, but an acquisition; furniture purchased out of necessity in college, or a gifted to them as newlyweds. Once you get down to it, these projects embolden the homeowner to identify their style and select pieces that suit them now, not their past selves. I'm seeing the affect of this all over my clients' faces. They're thrilled to see a beautiful sofa for their everyday use, artwork that reflects their sense of humor and favorite colors, and a furniture layout that enables them to use the space most effectively. I'm beyond happy to be the facilitator of these changes!

'Til next time!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Strikingly Beautiful Image Stuck in My Mind

Inspiration can come from the most unlikely sources. A photo that has nothing to do with interiors, for instance. I can't get this image out of my head!

From AWellTraveledWoman.Tumblr via Pinterest

That water in the image above looks like glassy emerald tiles. So refreshing looking. Oh and how have I lived without a glove mold in my shower to hold my rings and jewelry? Not sure.
Cathy Robin of Heath Ceramics via Design Sponge

 Kelly Wearstler Interior Design

Indigo tiled bathroom and brass lighting fixture. Oh and now I want a velvet chaise and an antique rug in my bathroom...!
 Chris Barrett via Designers.ElleDecor.com

Dreamy! I can feel the breeze from here! I love all the neutrals and that Suzani-esque print on the bed and pillow.
 Douglas Durkin via Decorati

Sweet ornate carved headboard, reminds me of the papa-version of my little carved-wood trifold divider I used as a headboard.... must find picture as proof...
Elle Decor via The Roof Over My Head

Have you ever seen anything as fantastic? Such an escape! How 'bout the patina on the headboard. Yes!
 French Mag Art and Decoration via Desire to Inspire

 Missoni via Desire to Inspire then via Little Green Notebook

I almost can't handle how awesome this chevron tiled back splash is.
 Pinterest via Modern Palm Blog

Peacock teal cabinetry from a great D*S sneak peek. White subway tile is ALWAYS okay by me!
 Ramin Shamshiri of Commune via Design Sponge

Tribal prints and glam play nice...
via Glamourai then via Decorista 

Crazy cool Moroccan-style settee left by the home's previous owners. I know. Some people's luck!
 Heather Taylor via Design Sponge

More tribal prints playing well together and with *gasp* traditional!? Yes, ma'am!
 Peter Dunham designed the guest bedroom in the House of Windsor via A Caribbean Living Blog

Are we sensing a theme yet? ;)  Tribal, tribal, tribal!
Philip Gorrivan photo by Miki Duisterhof via decorati

Familiar looking nook, featured in a previous post about Autumnal colors. The rich hues and mix of prints looked too good in this post not to include again, IMO. 
 Abigail Ahern.files.wordpress.com via the brickhouse then via Brydie Brown

Thanks for tuning in and letting me share my inspirations with you. 'Till next time!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Here's one for my nieces!

Okay, I'm doing it. Even if it makes me look like a kook. In Emily Henderson's words, "If that sounds pathetic to you, screw you, and play with your adult sized toys, I don't care."

I'm joining the "I'm a Giant - Dollhouse Decorating - Challenge!" It will be an exercise in demonstrating how resourceful and creative I can be, plus at the end of it, I'll have a really sweet dollhouse that my nieces (and nephews) can play with. It would be more ideal to redecorate the dollhouse I played with as a child that my parents built toghether, but it is in New Hampshire and I am not. And I'm pretty sure it isn't sturdy enough to be transported down here.

So I found this purty one on CList for $20 and I'm waiting to hear back about it. I can't wait to get started!

Here's the fun thing about this: anyone can join! Emily describes the challenge well in her post from last week. Check it out! The dollhouses need to be decorated by December 15th. 

I can't wait to repurpose the errant scrapbook paper or scrap of fabric in here, not to mention dangly earrings that have lost their pair or a vintage broach that is waiting to be truly appreciated.

I love being an aunt and this will be a great project to do for the little girls in my family... (The little boys are totally welcome to play too!) On a semi-related note, I read a great article on the NY Times today called, "Let's Hear it for Aunthood!"

Stay tuned for updates as I have them!! :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Party Time!

I'm in Outer Banks, NC to celebrate the wedding of one of my best friends!! Woooo! So excited for Toni and Josh. <3 Here are a few things that are reminding me of them on this very special day. :) 

Rockett St George via Erin Ever After

Salt and Pepper shakers by Jonathan Adler via Casa Sugar

I almost convinced Boyf we needed a set of these... almost....
Smittens via Decorpad

 Mr. and Mrs. glassware via AshleyLoves.Wordpress

Congratulations, you two! So thrilled for you both. <3

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Feelin' Artsy...

Recently all I've wanted to do is create art, which is really rather silly as I'm almost out of wall space in the house. Sometimes I see incredible pieces online, and think (rather cockily), "I can do that!" Here are some I've found that are on the top of my list to try, if not already started....

I had created that blue branch painting a while ago and it has always felt incomplete to me. I considered adding pink blooms, like cherry blossoms but never got around to it. When I found this piece (below) I thought, "Bam! That would be perfect!"
 via Pinterest

This seems doable and sweet and I think it looks much less "crafty". I'm all for inexpensive artwork, but I really don't want it to look like I made it. haha! Know what I mean? I also love this because the possibilities are endless! Song lyrics, inside jokes, names, addresses, dates, nicknames, etc etc!
 via Pinterest

Now this is also so sweet and homegrown looking. AND it would be a perfect use for my bajillion business cards from the old job. Yes!
 via Pinterest

Similarly, I could use my biz cards for this one too! I have already started cutting out hearts for this one. I picture a piece like this in one of my design projects. All painted reds and pinks. Love it! (Let's see if I can hand it over once it's complete... "My baby!!")
 via Pinterest

I've started this one too, because it's going to be a time-consuming monster. But how Bad A does that look?? I think, very.
Lee Gainer via Pinterest

I'd happily create one of the above for you on commission! Email me if you're interested!