Thursday, September 22, 2011

Feelin' Artsy...

Recently all I've wanted to do is create art, which is really rather silly as I'm almost out of wall space in the house. Sometimes I see incredible pieces online, and think (rather cockily), "I can do that!" Here are some I've found that are on the top of my list to try, if not already started....

I had created that blue branch painting a while ago and it has always felt incomplete to me. I considered adding pink blooms, like cherry blossoms but never got around to it. When I found this piece (below) I thought, "Bam! That would be perfect!"
 via Pinterest

This seems doable and sweet and I think it looks much less "crafty". I'm all for inexpensive artwork, but I really don't want it to look like I made it. haha! Know what I mean? I also love this because the possibilities are endless! Song lyrics, inside jokes, names, addresses, dates, nicknames, etc etc!
 via Pinterest

Now this is also so sweet and homegrown looking. AND it would be a perfect use for my bajillion business cards from the old job. Yes!
 via Pinterest

Similarly, I could use my biz cards for this one too! I have already started cutting out hearts for this one. I picture a piece like this in one of my design projects. All painted reds and pinks. Love it! (Let's see if I can hand it over once it's complete... "My baby!!")
 via Pinterest

I've started this one too, because it's going to be a time-consuming monster. But how Bad A does that look?? I think, very.
Lee Gainer via Pinterest

I'd happily create one of the above for you on commission! Email me if you're interested!

1 comment:

  1. let's talk business sister! i need pieces for our new place and am fresh out of inspiration. would much prefer to give you my money than ikea! i'll send you a mail soon :) xo
