Monday, September 26, 2011

Here's one for my nieces!

Okay, I'm doing it. Even if it makes me look like a kook. In Emily Henderson's words, "If that sounds pathetic to you, screw you, and play with your adult sized toys, I don't care."

I'm joining the "I'm a Giant - Dollhouse Decorating - Challenge!" It will be an exercise in demonstrating how resourceful and creative I can be, plus at the end of it, I'll have a really sweet dollhouse that my nieces (and nephews) can play with. It would be more ideal to redecorate the dollhouse I played with as a child that my parents built toghether, but it is in New Hampshire and I am not. And I'm pretty sure it isn't sturdy enough to be transported down here.

So I found this purty one on CList for $20 and I'm waiting to hear back about it. I can't wait to get started!

Here's the fun thing about this: anyone can join! Emily describes the challenge well in her post from last week. Check it out! The dollhouses need to be decorated by December 15th. 

I can't wait to repurpose the errant scrapbook paper or scrap of fabric in here, not to mention dangly earrings that have lost their pair or a vintage broach that is waiting to be truly appreciated.

I love being an aunt and this will be a great project to do for the little girls in my family... (The little boys are totally welcome to play too!) On a semi-related note, I read a great article on the NY Times today called, "Let's Hear it for Aunthood!"

Stay tuned for updates as I have them!! :)


  1. ohhh i can't wait to see your work on this lizzie! lucky little bachhubabies :)

  2. oh my gosh, this sounds so fun!!
